Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008

Blog XII IPS 1

Berikut blog XII IPS 1

  1. Alyssa Novia - Alyssa's Novia - http://www.luisalyssa.blogspot.com/
  2. Anne Ivana Samanhudi - Pendosa ke-2 - http://www.love-mind-soul-eternity.blogspot.com/
  3. B. Indreswari - Telecasterfreak - http://www.ranger-indi.blogspot.com/
  4. Carissa - I'm Yours - http://www.rangercarissa.blogspot.com/
  5. Clara Jessica - Jelly Koening - http://www.jeje-ingin-bahagia.blogspot.com/
  6. Claudia -Supersupreme - http://www.supersupreme-rangerclaudia.blogspot.com/
  7. Debora Irene Christine itsumademo yanap daisuki - http://www.yamapinokanojonaritai.blogspot.com/
  8. Devina - Diary of Vina - http://www.thediaryofvina.blogspot.com/
  9. Devlyn - Mencoba Sukses - http://www.bajaj-merah.blogspot.com/
  10. Felicia Jeane - Blueberry - http://www.felllgi.blogspot.com/
  11. Herinda Kusuma - Blog Kuu - http://purple-blueberry.blogspot.com/
  12. Indah - Salam Hello Kitty - http://www.indaho.blogspot.com/
  13. Irma Savitri Sani - Jularno - http://www.revealmysecret.blogspot.com/
  14. Isidora - I Love My Life - http://www.ceritaceriasiidora.blogspot.com/
  15. Jessica Angraeni - Pendosa ke-15 - http://www.gwcintabutet.blogspot.com/
  16. Levina Ferni - Life - http://www.levina-life.blogspot.com/
  17. Lidya - My Life, My Adventure - http://www.susucoklathangat.blogspot.com/
  18. Alda - http://www.revealmysecret.blogspot.com/
  19. Nadia - Bagel and Tea - http://www.bagelandtea.blogspot.com/
  20. Nofita Yuriko - Sanur Oh Sanur - http://www.lomalovelopa.blogspot.com/
  21. Nydia - a Little Dreamer - http://www.rangernydia.blogspot.com/
  22. Olive - Manusia Biasa - http://www.rangerolive.blogspot.com/
  23. Calista - Yellow Cow - http://www.calistasapi.blogspot.com/
  24. Teresa Riantika - Tennis of me life - http://www.tennisrangers.blogspot.com/
  25. Tessa Gracia- My Life, My Happiness - http://www.tessathegreenranger.blogspot.com
  26. Tiorita Pretty Stephanie - Stefi itu Saila, Pretty juga Saiia - http://www.p9-yourockz.blogspot.com/
  27. Tsara - Welcome to My Life - http://www.vivalatsara.blogspot.com/
  28. Vicky Claudia - I'm Lovin Vicky - http://www.peekyfriday.blogspot.com/
  29. Viola - The Special 1 Pendosa - WelComE 2 My pAraDiSe -

Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008